A good student is who always be good in the class, always pays full attention to the teacher, never leave tshe class even once except with a really urgent reason, and always be good example for the others.
So, to be a good student in the class is really needed to make our time in the class usefull and not loss just for things that unused for our future..
And now about how to be a good student, i think all of us can imagine about all things that can make us to be student, actually to be a good student is not to difficult and also not to easy as we thought before. Basicly we must obey all the rules that's been applied in the school or in the classroom, and do what the teachers ask to do, and prevent all things that teachers forbid, yak....... just that what must the good student do,,, but even just a few thing, not all people can do that, and commonly the students still follow their ambition and their emotional to as what their friends did, and mostly they follow the bad thing than the good one, yups.. ^_^
so what must u do, try to focus to your goal in joining the class and always renew your attention in your purpose it will make you always serious in joining the class activities than you will be able to get all what has the teachers explained to you during the lesson.