Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

            Excellency Mr. Teguh Santoso as the Director of Pyramid English   Course
Honorable all of the teachers of SMPN 1 GUBUG
Respectable all of the Tutors Of  Pyramid English Course     
            Unforgetable  all of my friends whom I love

            Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

            ----------First of all, let’s pray and thank unto Our GOD Allah S.W.T who has been giving us
not only mercies and blessings, but also body comfort and spiritual comfort, so we can attend and gather in this  FAREWELL PARTY without any troubles and obstacles in this happy place and time.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

            ----------Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidity to the cleverness, namely Islamic religion.----------------------------------------------------------------

            ----------Dear  ladies and gentlemen we are as the master and mistrees of ceremony we would like to let you know our agenda tonight

      The first agenda is opening
      The second agenda is reciting of Holy Qur’an
      The third agenda is speech by some speakers
      The fourth agenda is Resting
    The last agenda is closing and giving sertificate.

            Well ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to the first agenda namely “opening”.
Let’s open our program by reading “basmallah” to gather

            And now we are going to the second agenda, namely “Reciting of  holy Qur’an”
I am going to call Mr./Miss. ………as the reader of holy qur’an
And Mr/Miss …….as the translator of holy Qur’an.
The time is yours………
Thank you very much   , may the holy verses be light our life, amien.,.,.,.

      And now we are going to the third agenda, namely “speech by some speakers”
The first speaker, I would like to call Mr./Miss. …………, the representative from…….
the time is yours………
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech be useful for us, amin…..

            Ladies and gentlemen
The second speaker is Mr………… the representative from……
The time is yours……
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech  be understood well, amin…..

      Ladies and gentlemen
The third speaker is Mr………… the representative from……
The time is yours……
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech  be understood well, amin…..

      Ladies and gentlemen
The fourth speaker is Mr………… the representative from……
The time is yours……
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech  be understood well, amin…..
      Ladies and gentlemen
The fifth speaker is Mr………… the representative from……
The time is yours……
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech  be understood well, amin…..
      Ladies and gentlemen
The six speaker is Mr………… the representative from……
The time is yours……
Thank you very much for your speech, may your speech  be understood well, amin…..

            Ladies and gentleman
Now  we are going to the fourth agenda namely “RESTING”
The first  PERFORMANCE , I would like to call . …………,
the time is yours………
Thank you very much for your Performance , may  their  performance be entertain  us, …

The Second  PERFORMANCE , I would like to call . …………,
the time is yours………
Thank you very much for your Performance , may  their  performance be entertain  us, …

The Third  PERFORMANCE , I would like to call . …………,
the time is yours………
Thank you very much for your Performance , may  their  performance be entertain  us, …


            Ok, my brothers and sisters
Now we are going to the last agenda, namely” CLOSING AND GIVING SERTIFICATE”.
 I would like to call Mr. ………  to give you some announcements
To Mr. ………….. the time is yours……
Thank you very much for your announcement, May your announcement  be understood well.

            ---------Ok, We are as master of ceremony We realized that We have done many mistakes, so we do hope you forgive Us.
Thank you very much for your nice attention, and the last we say Wasssalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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